Many technical notices or notes of calculations are
placed in the sheets of work being used to remind itself on certain
delicate elements (Regulation, formulas of computation, standard
flows, etc.)
The elements of the database libraries are distributed on various
sheets, facilitating by consequence the data retrieval
Forms of dimensioning, syntheses, bill of quantities, etc, are
placed in certain libraries
The insertion of rows is done obligatorily by clicking on insertion
in the menu bar of Excel
and click on cell, if not the formulas will not be recopied.
It is very simple to personalize or restructure the database libraries
according to its own criteria by moving quite simply certain sheets
of the database libraries in new files or by recreating new sheets
by insertion of elements taken in the database libraries on new
sheets via copy/paste of rows.
Labor rate per hour are established for a team of 2 persons (a
qualified workman + an assistant)
Budget Estimates for Plumbing and HVAC
Work --- ko --- pages --- sheet
- Budget plumbing estimate, cast iron DWV, copper supply pipe
- Budget plumbing estimate, plastic DWV and plastic supply pipe.
- Budget HVAC Estimates.
- Heating and cooling requirements for most buildings.
- HVAC costs per ton of capacity.
- Equipment Rental per day.
- Equipment Rental per week.
- Equipment Rental per month.
Commercial boilers - Fichier Excel
ko - 20 pages - 2 sheets
- Costs for Electrical Service for Boilers, Subcontract.
- Feed water pumps for package firebox boilers.
- Costs for Natural Gas Combustion Controls for Boilers.
- Costs for Water Softening Systems for Use with Boilers.
- Costs for Start-up, Shakedown, and Calibration of Boilers.
- Costs for Deaerator/Condenser Units for Boilers.
- Costs for Chemical Feed Duplex Pump, Packaged Units for Boilers.
- Base mounted, bronze fitted centrifugal pump, set in place only.
- Base mounted centrifugal pump connection assembly.
- 2-pass shell and tube type heat exchanger, set in place only.
- Heat exchanger connection assembly, hot water to hot water.
- Gas-fired unit heater, hang in place only.
Heating --- Fichier Excel ko
- 20 pages - 2 sheets
- Black steel pipe, (A53) installed horizontal, roll grooved,
schedule 40.
- Schedule 40 carbon steel pipe, threaded and coupled.
- Carbon Steel, Schedule 40 with 150# Fittings & Butt-Welded
- Carbon Steel, Schedule 40 with 150# M.I. Fittings & Threaded
- Carbon Steel, Schedule 5 with Press fit Fitting.
- Carbon Steel, Schedule 80 with 300# Fittings & Butt-Welded
- Carbon Steel, Schedule 80 with 300# M.I. Fittings & Threaded
- Carbon Steel, Schedule 160 with 3000-6000# Fittings.
- Carbon Steel, Schedule 40 with Roll-Grooved Joints.
- Carbon Steel, Schedule 10 with Roll-Grooved Joints.
- Carbon Steel, Schedule 40 with Cut-Grooved Joints.
DuckWork --- Fichier Excel
ko - 57 pages - 3 sheets
- Specifications for duct and fittings.
- Galvanized Steel Ductwork.
- Galvanized Steel Spiral Duct.
- Costs for Steel Spiral Duct Fittings.
- Galvanized Steel Rectangular Duct.
- Fiberglass Ductwork.
HVAC --- Fichier Excel ko - 30 pages ---
3 sheets
- Air Handling Units.
- Heat Recovery Ventilators - Commercial.
- Water Coil Piping.
- Residential gas-fired upflow furnace.
- Wall furnace, pilot light ignition.
- Unit heater, gas fired.
- Vane-axial fan.
- Variable-air volume terminal unit.
- Fiberglass Pipe Insulation.
- Fan coil unit.
- Duct-mounted flanged reheat coil.
- Reciprocating water-cooled chiller.
- Air-cooled condensing unit.
- Centrifugal water-cooled chiller, set in place only.
Plumbing --- Fichier Excel ko - 145 pages
- 7 sheets
- Specifications for pipes and fittings, glossary.
- Cast Iron, DWV, Service Weight, No-Hub with Coupled Joints.
- Cast Iron, DWV, Service Weight, Hub & Spigot with Gasketed
- Ductile iron pipe.
- Copper, Type K with Brazed Joints or Soft-Soldered Joints.
- Copper, Type L with Brazed Joints.
- Copper, Type M with Brazed Joints or Soft-Soldered Joints.
- CPVC pipe only, solvent weld.
- PVC, DWV with Gasketed Bell and Spigot Joints.
- ABS, DWV with Solvent-Weld Joints.
- Polypropylene, Schedule 40, with Heat-Fusioned Joints.
Plumbing equipements - Sprinkler Plumbing-
sanitry - Fichier Excel ko - 21 pages
- 2 sheets
- Electric domestic hot water heater (residential)
- Gas-fired domestic hot water heater (residential)
- Kitchen equipment, sink, laboratory sink, laundry sink.
- Water closet, urinal, Lavatory, Bathtub, Tub and shower.
- Shower basin.
- Drinking fountains, refrigerated, stainless steel.
- Commercial plumbing fixture.
- Complete wet sprinkler system.
- Diesel fire pump, Excess pressure pump.
03/27/2025 01:51:57