is VBA?
VBA is the initials of " Visual BASIC for application
". It is a programming language which makes it possible to the user
to conceive and to automate common tasks such as objects, methods,
properties, events, instructions and functions in applications like
Excel or WinWord for example.
For example you will find below 2 procedures for conversion
in small letters of a selected text zone capital letters or vice-versa.
Visual BASIC for applications (VBA) is the tool, which
you can use to adapt Excel, create your own functions and to automate
your repetitive tasks. From Excel 97, all VBA programming is done
in English. This has as a principal advantage to be able to employ
the procedures without worrying about which version of language
on Excel the user will employ. The disadvantage with the use of
English as programming language is that in certain cases some problems
can appear in the characteristics of the national language such
as dates formats and characters numbers of separator of list.
To program in Excel VBA, you must as a preliminary
know very well Excel functionalities, if not you will waste your
time to reinvent procedures, which did not really take place.
is the origin of vba?
Visual BASIC for application (VBA) is a descent programming
language of BASIC developed in the beginning of the Sixties. BASIC
was employed intensively on the generation of the office computers,
which did not have the capacity to run to other more sophisticated
The following versions of the BASIC borrowed devices
from other languages during years so that the name became less and
less suitable. Visual BASIC for Windows (VBW) was presented in 1992
like control records for Windows, providing commands to handle the
windows, dialogue boxes, indicators, menus, toolbars and so on.
For the beginning, Excel VBA was used to automate
tasks, to control the computer to do what the user did, but in a
more effective and rapid ways by macro-commands. Now it can be used
for developing applications for Excel.
is the difference between the VB and the VBA?
VB (visual BASIC) is a language for programs creators whereas VBA
(visual BASIC for application) is a language for applications creators
(Excel, Access, etc.).
The programs such as for example Excel or Access have already an
environment with hundreds of integrated functions. With VBA
on Excel for example, the costs of applications design are reduced
since there is not has to reinvent the entire environment.
for Excel, VBA for Access, VBA for Word, etc. ?
Although VBA is common structure through applications (Excel,
Word, ...), by its nature, the majority of the written procedures
for an application do not work for others.
There is no cell except in Excel for example. Thus while this document
can cover some general rules, the major part of the detail will
apply only to the use in Excel. In the same way, although there
are similarities in rules syntax, the functions and instructions
are the same, but the objects, properties and methods differ appreciably.
and procedures
The macro is a recording of VBA code which is used to automate
a whole series of actions carried out directly from Excel.
The use of macro is generally not very effective. In a procedure
one declares the variables, reduced the instructions number and
thus more effective to the execution.
VBA-Excel is a programming language which it is possible to develop
applications by creating procedures and integrate VBA programs into
the interface of the Excel application.
and Formulas
Much users Excel are familiarized with the formulas, which can
be inserted into cells to carry out calculations. There is large
numbers of integrated functions available immediately in Excel.
VBA can be employed to create personalized functions to be used
in the formulas just like the integrated functions. It is important
to note, although VBA functions can be employed like the integrated
functions of Excel, the integrated functions of Excel cannot be
employed in VBA.
For example you will find below the calculation function "
Patm " written in VBA giving the atmospheric pressure
according to altitude.
According to the formula :

- A (Z) = Altitude in m
- Pb (atm) = Atmospheric pressure at A altitude in Pa
- 101325 = · Atmospheric pressure on the sea level
VBA has its own whole of functions, of which some are similar in
the functionality of those used in the formulas, but there are significant
differences in the manner of those which are employed and the rules
under which they function.
is an Add-In?
An Add-in is a data-processing program which itself integrates
the environment of an applications. There are various types of add-ins,
which can be added to Excel or WinWord for example.
A add-in file on Microsoft Excel is a special workbook with the
file format of " xla ". A add-in file can contain working sheets,
diagram sheets, macros and functions written in VBA
The macros and the functions in a add-in file add optional commands
into Microsoft Excel environment and can prevent the user directly
to look at or to publish them.
to install an add-in on Excel?
An add-in file can be installed by opening the file as if you
must open a working file "*.xls" in Excel. You can also install
the add-in in the library directory.
When you install an addin, the specific functions of the program
are at the disposal of the user, and the personalized menus in the
addin are also added to the existing menus on Excel.
It is preferable to install the Addins files into Excel library.
Excel is installed in theory by defect in the repertory C Drive:
- For Excel 95 copy Addins in c:\MSOffice\Excel\Library
- For Excel 97 and 2000* copy Addins in c:\Program Files\MSOffice\Excel\Library
we open a working file carried out from an add-in?
Yes, if you want to see the results or to print the working file.
But if you want to recomputed the working sheet on Excel without
the use of specific add-in to the working file, you will lose the
results concerning the functions written in VBA
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