DevExcel, Mass, Weight, Volume, Capacity, Metric system International System of Units (S.I.) - Conversion tables of measuring units - Length - Surface - Volume - Mass and weight.
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Conversion units (measuring units)
Mesure units
Fluid mechanic

Length (Unit of length of S.I. = meter)
US & Imperial >>: Metric system Metric system >> US & Imperial
1 Inch (in) - US 25.40005 mm 1 millimeter (mm) 0.03937 in (US)
1 Inch (in) - Imp 25.39996 mm 1 millimeter (mm) 0.03937 in (imp)
1 Foot (ft) = ( - US 0.3048006 m 1 meter (m) 3.28083 ft (US)
1 Foot (ft) = ( - Imp 0.3047995 m 1 meter (m) 3.28083 ft (imp)
1 Yard (yd) = (3.ft) - US 0.9144018 m 1 meter (m) 1.093611 yd (US)
1 Yard (yd) = (3.ft) - Imp 0.9143984 m 1 meter (m) 1.093611 yd (imp)
1 Mile (mi) = (1760.yd) - US 1.609347 km 1 kilometer (km) 0.6213699 mi (US)
1 Mile (mi) = (1760.yd) - Imp 1.609341 km 1 kilometer (km) 0.6213724 mi (imp)
1 Nautical mile (imp) 1.853181 km 1 kilometer (km) 0.5396127 n.mi (imp)

Surface (the unit of area of S.I. = square meter)
US & Imperial >> Metric system Metric system >> US & Imperial
1 Acre - US 0.4046873 ha 1 hectare (ha) 2.471044 acre (US)
1 Acre - Imp 0.4046842 ha 1 hectare (ha) 2.4711 acre (imp)
1 Square inch (sq in) - US 6.451626 cm2 1 Square centimeter (cm2) 0.1549997 sq. in (US)
1 Square inch (sq in) - Imp 6.451578 cm2 1 Square centimeter (cm2) 0.1550 (imp)
1 Square foot (sq ft) = 144 sq in - US 0.09290341 m2 1 Square meter (m2) 10.76387 sq.ft (US)
1 Square foot (sq ft) = 144 sq in - Imp 0.09290272 m2 1 Square meter (m2) 10.7639 sq.ft (imp)
1 Square yard (sq yd) = 9 sq.ft - US 0.8361307 m2 1 Square meter (m2) 1.195985 sq.yd (US)
1 Square yard (sq yd) = 9 sq.ft - Imp 0.8361245 m2 1 Square meter (m2) 1.1960 sq.yd (imp)
1 Square mile (sq mi) = 640 acres - US 2.589998 km2 1 Square kilometer (km2) 0.3861006 sq.mi (US)
1 Square mile (sq mi) = 640 acres - Imp 2.589979 km2 1 Square kilometer (km2) 0.3861 sq.mi (imp)

Volume (the unit of volume of S.I. = cubic meter)
US/imp >> Metric system ----- Metric system >> US/imp -----
Volume ----- ----- -----
1 Cubic inch (cu in) - US 16,3871 cm3 1 Cubic centimeter (cm3) 0.06102509 cu in (US)
1 Cubic inch (cu in) - Imp 16.38698 cm3 1 Cubic centimeter (cm3) 0.0610241 cu in (imp)
1 Cubic foot (cu ft) - US 28.31702 dm3 1 Cubic decimeter (dm3) 0.03531544 cu ft (US)
1 Cubic foot (cu ft - (Imp) 28.31670 dm3 1 Cubic decimeter (dm3) 0.0353148 cu ft (imp)
1 Cubic yard (cu yd) - US 0.7645594 m3 1 Cubic meter (m3) 1.307943 cu yd (US)
1 Cubic yard (cu yd) - Imp 0.7645509 m3 1 Cubic meter (m3) 1.307957 cu yd (imp)
Measure of capacity ----- ----- -----
1 fluid ounce (fl oz) - US 29,5735 cm3 (or ml) 1 Cubic decimeter (dm3) 33.814 fl oz
1 fluid ounce (fl oz) - Imp 28,4131 cm3 (or ml) 1 Cubic decimeter (dm3) 35.195 fl oz
1 Bushel (US) 35.23829 dm3 (or litre) 1 Cubic decimeter (dm3) 0.0283782 bu (US)
1 Bushel (imp) 36.36770 dm3 (or liter) 1 Cubic decimeter (dm3) 0.02749692 bu (imp)
1 Gallon (US) 3.785329 dm3 (or liter) 1 Cubic decimeter (dm3) 0.2641779 gal (US)
1 Gallon (imp) 4.545963 dm3 (or liter) 1 Cubic decimeter (dm3) 0.2199754 gal (imp)
1 Liquid pint (US) 0.4731661 dm3 (or liter) 1 Cubic decimeter (dm3) 2.113423 (US)
1 Pint(pt) = 20 fl oz - Imp 0.5682454 dm3 (or liter) 1 Cubic decimeter (dm3) 1.759803 pt (imp)

Mass (the unit of mass of S.I. = kilogram)

Attention not to confuse mass and weight.

The mass (kg) is a intrinsic characteristic of the body and is measured in kilogram.

Masse spécifique ou volumique = quotient de la masse d'un corps par son volume.

Specific mass = quotient of the mass of a body by its volume

Weight is a force which depends on terrestrial attraction and it is the equivalent of the mass of a body by the acceleration of gravity (9.80665 at the sea level) and is measured in Newton [ N ].

For example a man of 75 kg (it is its mass, and not its weight contrary to the current expression), has a weight of: 75 * 9.80665 = 735,5 N on the sea level.

US/imp >> Metric system Metric system >> US/imp
1Grain (gr) - US 64.79892 mg 1 milligram (mg) 0.01543236 gr (US)
1Grain (gr) - Imp 64.79892 mg 1 milligram (mg) 0.01543236 gr (imp)
1Ounce (oz) - US 28.34953 g 1 gram (g) 0.03527396 oz av. (US)
1Ounce (oz) - Imp 28.34953 g 1 gram (g) 0.03527396 oz av. (imp)
1Pound (Ib) = 16 oz - US 0.4535924 kg 1 kilogram (kg) 2.204622 lb av. (US)
1Pound (Ib) = 16 oz - Imp 0.4535924 kg 1 kilogram (kg) 2.204622 lb av. (imp)
1Short hundredweight(sh cwt)= 100 Ib - US 45.35924 kg 1kilogram (kg) 0.02204622 sh.cwt (US)
1Cental (imp) 45.35924 kg 1 kilogram (kg) 0.02204622 ctl (imp)
1Long ton (l tn) = 2240 Ib - US 1.016047 t 1 ton 0.9842064 (US)
1Ton (imp) 1.016047 t 1 ton 0.9842064 tn (imp)

Specific Gravity
The density of gas, relative to air, is called specific gravity. The specific gravity of air is defined as 1. Since propane gas has a specific gravity of 1.5, propane-air mixtures have a specific gravity of greater than 1.

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Last update : June 2003


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