Estimate synthesis, Estimate breakdown, Assessement of work, Statistics, Woork filtering, Construction Cost analysis, Project controls, Budget analysis, Budget programming, Cost control.
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DevExcel program (synthesis, statistics, etc.)
Sundry programs

To establish the assessments of works or statistics related to the operation in particular within the subcontracts or to carry out the orders of materials in the suppliers you must incorporate filters in the column B of the working sheet.

From that, the synthesis can be established in various manners

  1. Direct Filtering of the works on the working sheet.
  2. Estimate breakdown of the works by pivot table.
  3. Creation of a graph of the cost breakdown.

Each procedure is done automatically starting from a call procedure placed on the customized menu bar.

The presentation is done in an almost instantaneous way on a new working sheet according to the data elements and filters introduces into the estimate.

Filtering of the works

In the below table, displays only the works related to the sheaths (gaines) with the total of the materials costs, hours, cost price, etc.

Estimate synthesis, Estimate breakdown, Assessement of work, Statistics, Woork filtering, Construction Cost

Estimate breakdown by work

Estimate breakdown of the works by pivot table (the sheet was drawn up with Excel 2000).

This sheet can be if required to use like document of substitution (Estimate given to the customer, situation of work, after having dissimulated the columns of all the confidential elements related to the study.

The table attached was drawn up with Excel 9 (2000), the presentation in Excel 8 (97) is slightly different.

work, statistics, work, filtering, construction, cost, costing, analysis, project, controls, budget

Cost breakdown chart

The graph of synthesis makes it possible to evaluate the cost breakdown visually (very practical).

Statistics, Works filtering, Currencies conversion, Construction Cost analysis

Last update: 03/28/2025 02:52:02


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