Lexicon employed for the steam (see thematic:
Distribution of steam)
The module of integrated calculation makes it possible to establish
all the physical characteristics of water, of vapor and of the vapor
Steam in a saturated state(1)
Steam in an overheated state(2)
The calculation of the physical characteristics of the saturated
steam (1) can be done from the relative pressure or conversely according
to the temperature of the steam or the two parameters in the case
of use of the overheated steam (2)
Functions of calculation written in
There is a great number of functions integrated available immediately
in Excel. The personalized functions written in VBA for the ThermoVapeur
program can be used like the functions integrated of Excel with
the proviso that of installed the ThermoVapor program in Excel.
The functions below are used in the sorter and can be re-used on
other worksheets.
The functions below are used in the working file and can be re-used
on other worksheets.
Copyright C 2002 Jean Yves MESSE. All Rights Reserved.
Formulas of computation of pressure
loss on the piping.
Functions of calculation for the ThermoVapor program
of flow of water
- P_therm = Thermal power (Watts)
- Delta_T = Variation in temperature enters the inlet and the outlet
- Mas_V = density (kg/m3)
- CM = Specific heat: in kJ/(kg K)
Function = Debit(P_therm, Delta_T, Cm, Mas_V)
of the Reynolds number according to the dynamic viscosity of the
- Visc_dyn = Dynamic viscosity, value E-6. kg/(m S)
- Vit = Speed (in m/s)
- Mas_V = density (in kg/m3)
- Dia (Internal diameter pipe) (in mm)
Function = Reynolds(Mas_Vol, Vit, Dia, Visc)
of the Reynolds number according to cinematic viscosity
- Vit = Speed (in m/s)
- Visc = Viscosity in centistoke
- Dia = Internal diameter pipe in mm
Function = Reynolds1(Vit, Visc, Dia)
of the factor of friction according to the equation of Colebrook
(iterative Method)
- Rugo = Roughness (in mm)
- DI = Diameter line (in mm)
- Re = Reynolds
Function = Friction1(Rugo, Re, Di)
Speed of
water in m/s
- Deb = Volumic flow of vapor in m3/h
- Dia = Diameter (mm)
Function = Vites(Deb, Dia)
of the dynamic Pressure
- Dens = density in kg/m3
- Vit = Speed (in m/s)
Function = Pdyn(Dens, Vit)
Linear pressure
- Friction (Coefficient of pressure loss)
- Density (in kg/m3)
- Diam_tube (Internal diameter pipe) (in mm)
- Speed (in m/s)
Function = Pdc(Friction, Diam_tube, Density, Speed, Nature)
of expansion
- PdcTot = Total linear pressure loss
- Pres = Relative pressure relating at tle inlet of the pipe
Function = Function Expan(PdcTot, Pres)
of the module of pressure loss ( Coefficients K depend on the diameter
- Ke = Module of pressure loss
- Index = Factor of the module of pressure loss
- Dia = Diameter line (in mm)
Function = Module(Ke, Dia, Index)
Functions for calculations of the properties
of water and the steam
See thematic:
Vapor tables
Kinematic viscosity
- T = Temperature (in °C)
- Mas_V = density (in kg/m3)
- Visc_dyn = Dynamic viscosity, value E-6. kg/(m S)
Function = Visc_cine(T, Mas_V)
Dynamic viscosity
of water, value E-6. kg/(m S)
Range of validity: Up to 500 °C and 600 bar
- T = Temperature (in °C)
- V = Volume in m3/kg
Function = Visc_dyn(T, V)
Density of
the saturated steam in kg/m3
Range of validity: Up to 300 bar
- P = relative Pressure in Bar
Function = MassVol(P)
Density of
the overheated steam in kg/m3
Range of validity: Up to 350 °C and 300 bar
- T = Temperature (in °C)
- P = relative Pressure in Bar
Function = Mass_vol(T, P)
Latent heat
of the saturated steam in kJ / kg K
Range of validity: Up to 300 bar
- P = relative Pressure in Bar
Function = Chlatente(P)
Latent heat
of the overheated steam in kJ / kg K
Range of validity: Up to 350 °C and 300 bar
- T = Temperature (in °C)
- P = Relative pressure of the steam in Bar
Function = Chlatent(T, P)
Specific enthalpy
of the saturated steam (total heat) in kJ / kg K
Range of validity: Up to 300 bar
- P = Relative pressure in Bar
Function = Enthalp(P)
Specific enthalpy
of the overheated steam (total heat) in kJ / kg K
Range of validity: Up to 350 °C and 300 bar
- T = Temperature (in °C)
- P = Relative pressure in Bar
Function = Enthal(T, P)
Enthalpy of
ebullient water in kJ / kg K
Range of validity: Up to 300 bar
- P = relative Pressure in Bar
Function = ChH2O(P)
Enthalpy of
the water overheated in kJ / kg K
Range of validity: Up to 350 °C and 300 bar
- T = Temperature (in °C)
- P = relative Pressure Bar
Function = ChH2O1(T, P)
Specific heat
of the steam in kJ / kg K
Range of validity: Up to 300 bar
- P = relative Pressure in Bar
Function = ChMas(P)
Pressure of
vaporization in absolute bar
Range of validity: Up to 350 °C
- T = Temperature (in °C)
Function = Pression(T)
of vaporization
Range of validity: Up to 300 bar
- P = relative Pressure in Bar
Function = TempVap(P)
Various functions
of the diaphragm (in mm) according to Standard NFX 10-101
- Diam_int = Internal diameter of the pipe, mm
- Flow = Water flow, l/h
- Pdc = Pressure loss to be created, Bar
- Temp = Fluid temperature, °C
Function = D_diaphr(Diam_int, Flow, Pdc, Temp, P)
flow of vapor according the Kv
- Qm = Mass flow rate of vapor, kg/h
- P1 = Relative pressure of the vapor - upstream, Bar
- P2 = Relative pressure of the vapor - downstream, Bar
- Temp = Temperature of the overheated vapor, °C
Function = Débit_Kv(Kv, P1, P2, Temp)
Kv-value of the valve for the vapor
- Qm = Mass flow rate of the vapor, kg/h
- P1 = Relative pressure of the vapor - upstream, Bar
- P2 = Relative pressure of the vapor - downstream, Bar
- Temp = temperature of the overheated vapor, °C
Function = Module_Kv(Qm, P1, P2, Temp)
pdc into modules
- Speed = Actual speed of circulation, m/s
- Temp = Temperature of water, °C
- Pdc = Pressure loss to be created, Pa
- P = Relative pressure of the vapor in Bar
Function = Module_Pdc1(Pdc, Speed, Temp, P)